We began the morning with a hearty Kenyan breakfast as always, however we were sad to learn that Daryl was sick; the devil hard at work, no doubt. We left “Dopey Smurf” a.k.a Daryl, back at the house to rest and recover. We arrived at the Baptist Chapel and was greeted by the preschool class. They sang beautiful praise songs. I am sure that our Father in Heaven was smiling. We made balloon

animals for all the children and left crayons and stuffed animals for them to keep. They were very excited! Afterwards, we met in the church to break into groups for our evangelism visits. We set out with each group taking different sections of town. The people we met were very friendly and open to hearing the Word of God. We made about 50 visits total

and had 16 salvations. God is good and faithful! We know that the angels have rejoiced right along with us today. Lunch and fellowship followed our visits. We have experienced wonderful meals this week. God bless the hands that have prepared them!
Pastor Wambua went to check on Daryl. We had prayed that God would heal him and He answered our prayer because he was able to join us around

lunchtime. After lunch, we split up and half of the team went to visit with a child that the First Baptist youth group sponsors here in Kenya through Compassion International and the other half stayed at the church; I have heard they took a nap (what a nap is I don’t quite remember!) We arrived at a church/school where we were supposed to meet Leslie; the Compassion International child. We

waited and waited; Kenyan time can be very long sometimes. As we waited, the school kids were let out for a break and swarmed the vans. Each one came to the window for a smile or a handshake. It’s amazing what the power of a touch means to these children. Chloe, Mike, Luke, and Daryl had to get out and get the kids all riled up at break. They all stood around Chloe chanting “how are you?” over

and over. What a sight! Leslie and his mom arrived shortly after. Leslie was a little overwhelmed with all the gifts and cameras around. His mama was full of gratitude and the visit went well. They were given groceries and toys for the kids. It was an awesome experience!
Afterwards, we were off to the crusade where we performed a puppet show for the kids. They had a great time. Zack and Chloe both gave

beautiful, touching testimonies followed by Daryl with a powerful message. No wonder the devil was trying to prevent him from preaching. Our God is much more powerful! More were saved at the crusade and we thank our Lord for touching the hearts of many Kenyans.
Pray for Pam as she is not feeling well. Pray for the Lord to touch and heal her body. Pray for the souls

that were saved today and ask the Lord to send them other Christians to encourage them. We had many that voiced prayer concerns during our visits. Please ask the Lord to intervene on their behalf. Pray for us as we go to the orphanage tomorrow and again to the crusade. Ask the Lord to touch more hearts. We love you all and miss you but we feel the Lord giving us strength as you continually lift us up. Thank you.
Smooch to you and the kids Jared, I miss and love you! Be home soon!
Good to hear daryl is doin better and glad yall had a good day!
ReplyDeleteHOPE YOU GET TO FEELING BETTER MAMA(pam) we are praying for you! I LOVE YOU wid all my <3! and daddy does to! we miss you very much! get better!!!
Lori, sounds like you all had a full day. We are very encouraged when ya'll update the blog keep doing so. smoooch back to ya lori thank God almighty for the work you all are doing over there what a blessing to hear all those salvations glory to god almighty I had tears in my eyes reading this last update and the last as well it is just OUTSTANDING. Be encouraged god will heal the broken. and dont worry about us we are ok I called Dahl and Jimmy to letthem know we were alright. Love always and forever Your hopelessly devoted and pitiful husband Jared.
ReplyDeletePraise God from whom all blessings flow...and I praise Him for the blessings He is giving us here at home thru you. Thank you for taking the time each day to share your experiences with us -I know you are physically tired, but believe me, we here at home are spiritually blessed every single time we read your blogs.
ReplyDeleteI pray that we will get to hear some of those powerful sermons from Daryl and Luke - Daryl does have a tendency to hold back a little here-haha, j/k Daryl - not only do I love to hear you preach - you live your walk - you 'Press On' even when you are sick - thank you Jesus that you are better. I thank God for all our new brothers and sisters in Christ and I do pray they will be nurtured in their new walk with our Precious Savior.
I thank God for the nappers - it's biblical to treat our bodies as a temple, and I know for a fact God speaks to us when He wants us to nap. I pray that God will heal Pam quickly and give each and every one of you extra strength to witness and share His love, and also to enjoy your last few days in Africa.
OK you picture takers - you really got me today -I won't embarrass you Coco online with mine and Gracie's taglines, but along with my crying, we had a good laugh too!
H anging
O n
P raying
E xpectantly
I am really excited for all of you. The salvations are just awesome!! God is remarkable in his Touch! He sends the Holy Spirit and leave us in awe. Seeing his works and hearing about the testimonies is a treat. Reading the experiences make me Proud to be a follower of this trip. I feel that I have contribute in some small way. I feel all the things you all feel from tired to exhilarating joy! I feel sick when one of you are sick. I thank God for the spiritual ties. I will keep praying and intercessing on you all behalves. We have much work to do Praise God He is Marvelous, wonderful and Deserving. He is worthy and he chose you!
ReplyDeleteI thank God for those lost souls that were found through his Amazing Grace. They now have the same chance as any of us. He is so Good just taste him and see. My God can do anything but Fail! Stay encourage and I pray your strength in the lord....Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
What a mighty God we serve!!! It is so awesome to hear daily of how He is using you guys for His kingdom's work. I am so thankful that I am able to pray for all of you. Praying that the sick among you will be healed and feeling better soon. I pray that God would be preparing you for your work and preparing the hearts of those that you will share the Gospel with. It is so great to hear of the salvations that you have shared with us. We rejoice with the angels in heaven at this news. I pray that you all get rested and refreshed, ready for a new day. Praying for safety as you move about from place to place. May Christ shine through each of you as you go forth daily. Press on brothers and sisters, knowing that you are being lifted up to the throne of God in prayer, through the powerful name of Jesus. We love you all!!
ReplyDeleteJames 1:27
How exciting it is to hear what God is doing in and through each of you in Kenya. Each and every day here in Eastman people ask how the Africa team is doing. We are so glad to be able to share this blog with them. May God contintue to protect and bless every effort made during your visit. Our God is so mighty. God bless you all and looking forward to hear more good news. Mike and Robin